How to read the Earnings Report

The Earnings report lists products that were ordered after an Associate referral subsequently dispatched.

Detailed Report - Column definitions

  • Product Title – Name of the product for which Amazon is paying the Associate a commission.
  • Product Link Clicks or Clicks – Total number of clicks on your the amazon associates product link in the given time frame
  • Items Shipped – Total number of items that were actually shipped to the customers in the given time frame
  • Revenue - The total items shipped times the price.
  • Commission Income – The percentage of the Revenue column that Amazon paid out as a commission for referrals related to this product.

A few items of note on the Referral-Commission Rate:

  • The referral rate cannot always be exactly the tier referral rate because we can’t pay in denominations less than a cent. So if you have achieved the 7.5% tier, you may see 7.50%, 7.49% or 7.51%.
  • For CE items, the referral rate can be lower than your current tier because of the cap on CE Commissions.
  • If the shipped item qualified for a direct link bonus (see How to Read the Order Report), you will also see this reflected in the Referral Commission Rate.

A note on time frames for the report

  • The report will only show the clicks and orders for the time frame specified
  • Associates get credit for items placed in the cart within the 24-hour session window and then purchased from the cart within 90 days.
  • Over shorter periods of time, it is possible to see orders without clicks or clicks without the expected number of orders. For example, it is possible to see orders that were placed in a shopping cart a long time ago and thus have no clicks associated within the time frame. It is also possible to see clicks that may have resulted in additions to the shopping cart but where the customer has not yet decided to check out.
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