How to read the Order Report

The Order report lists products that were ordered after an Associates referral and provides information about how the customer was referred (or linked) to the product. The report has three sections; a section detailing the Items that were ordered during the time period specified, the items that generated clicks during the time period but were not ultimately ordered during that period and finally a summary section.

Column definitions

  • Product Title – Name of the product that was ordered through the referral.
  • Product Link Clicks – The number of clicks to Amazon that takes a visitor from your Web site to the detail page of a product you've specifically chosen.
  • Product Link Conversion – This is the percentage of product link clicks that resulted in an order for the item targeted in the direct link. If the item has “N/A” next to it, it means that the order was not made on the product link and the customer either came in on an indirect link or a direct link for a different product.
  • Ordered Through Product Links – Number of items matching the title in the left-hand column that were targeted in a direct link and ordered by a customer.
  • All Other Items Ordered – Number of items matching the title on the left hand column ordered that did not qualify for the direct link bonus.
  • Total Items Ordered – The sum of “Ordered Through Product Links” and “All Other Items Ordered”

A note on time  frames for the report

The report will only show the clicks and orders for the time frame specified. Associates get credit for items placed in the cart within the 24-hour session window and then purchased from the cart within 90 days. Over shorter periods of time, it is possible to see orders without clicks or clicks without the expected number of orders. For example, it is possible to see orders that were placed in a shopping cart a long time ago and thus have no clicks associated within the time frame. It is also possible to see clicks that may have resulted in additions to the shopping cart but where the customer has not yet decided to check out.

A note on the “Items with no orders section”

This section shows items that generated direct links but for which no order was generated in the time frame specified.

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