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Utilizing the Strip format for Native Shopping Ads
The Native Shopping Ads Strip format is an alternative to the existing Grid, List, and Card formats. The Strip format is best suited for in-content placements because it is slimmer in appearance and is designed to blend seamlessly into the page content. It is available for all the three variants of Native Shopping Ads—Recommendation, Search, and Custom Ads.

If you’re new to Native Shopping Ads, click here to learn more.

What are the features of the Strip format?

The refreshed layout and design elements of the Strip format enhance your end-user experience to help improve monetization of your web pages.
    Slimmer ad unit (reduced height). In this format, the product information (name, price, ratings, etc.) appears right next to the image. Because of this design, Strip format ads occupy less vertical space so there is more room for the core content on the page.
    A more native ad unit experience. The Strip format ads are borderless, and the product title is black. When rendered on mobile, the swipe interaction is enabled by default. Just like other ad formats, this ad unit is responsive and adapts to the size of the container in which it is placed in.
Examples of how this ad unit will look like on your webpage:
A swipe-enabled interaction for mobile browsers is included by default (exclusive to the Strip format).

Getting started

Setting up the Strip format is simple, just like the creating the other formats of Native Shopping Ads. Use the following steps to download and configure the Strip format for Recommendation Ads.

1. Get the ad code
To begin using the Strip format, you first need to download the ad code. Log into Associate Central using your account credentials and navigate to the Native Shopping Ads home page within the Product Linking tab.
Then, click on the CREATE link to choose the ad variant you want to use—Recommendation Ads, Search Ads, or Custom Ads. If you are new to Native Shopping Ads and want to learn more about the different variants, click here.
Next, you can configure the ad unit behavior by choosing from the available options. These options differ slightly based on the variant you select. The illustration below shows the different configuration options for Recommendation Ads.
Ad Name. Give your ad unit a descriptive name (no special characters are allowed). Try to choose a meaningful name like "Product Reviews in-content" or "Apparel and clothing, end-of content" for easy recall.

Tracking ID. You can either select an existing tracking ID or create a new tracking ID. Tracking IDs help you get a granular view of performance in the reports. Note: Each ad unit you create in this workflow maps to only one tracking ID.

Ad Format. Choose the ad format "Strip."

Emphasize Categories. You can choose from the available list of categories what you feel best relates to your page/website. These categories serve as hints to the contextual engine to provide the most relevant recommendations for your pages.

Fallbacks. You can choose to give a search phrase as fallback in the ad unit. When there is not enough content signal on the page, search results for the provided phrase will be used to serve the ad as a fallback mechanism. If you choose not to list any phrases under fallbacks, the ad unit will be hidden and the container will collapse in the absence of relevant recommendations, making way for the subsequent elements on the page.

If you expand the Advanced Settings drop-down, you can see additional options:
Show interest-based ads: When you enable this setting, ad units will show recommendations for any recognized users with a high user signal/purchase intent based on your visitors' recent behavior on Amazon. This includes products they have recently browsed or added to a cart but did not purchase. These products will be specific to the user visiting the page and will differ from user to user. You can also choose to turn off interest-based ads, which will cause ads to always be relevant only to your page content and be the same for all users.

Ad Size: You can choose to have your ad be responsive across devices (desktop, mobile, and tablet) or select a custom size for displaying the ad in one row, or two rows if you prefer.

Once you have edited the ad preferences, click on the "Save and View Ad Code" button. A popup screen that displays the ad code will appear.
The ad code is now ready; you can copy it and insert it into your pages.

2. Integrate the ad code
Simply paste the ad code directly on your webpage at the placement where you want the ads to appear. That’s it—you are done.

You can configure Strip format for Search/Custom variants using the same process as above by selecting Search/Custom on the Native Shopping Ads homepage, as outlined in step one.
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