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OneTag & Content Insights FAQs

Q1: Does Amazon have a specific policy governing my use of oneTag?

Yes, to access and use oneTag you must agree to the oneTag Policy found here.

Q2. Where should I download the oneTag script?

The oneTag script is available for download here.

Q3. Where should I install the oneTag script?

You can install the oneTag script in whatever location you prefer on your site. We recommend installing it on the footer so that you can benefit from oneTag’s features across your site.

Q4: How can I remove the oneTag script?

You can delete the script at any time by removing the oneTag code from your site.

Q5. Does the oneTag script load synchronously or asynchronously?

Both synchronous and asynchronous versions of the oneTag script are available for integration.

Q6: What are the benefits of installing oneTag?

oneTag benefits you through the following functionality: (1) Auto-tagging: oneTag scans for all Amazon links on the page it is installed in and adds the attributes required for associate attribution such as your store ID. (2) Content Insights Reports: oneTag collects information to create aggregate, user anonymous performance reports about your site content that can be used by you to improve the relevance of content on your site and to display features, products, and services that might be of interest to users; and allow you to measure the success of your affiliate marketing (for more information see Content Insights FAQs below).

Q7. What personal information does oneTag collect from site users and how is this personal information used?

oneTag receives the following personal information:

  • IP address used for fraud detection and traffic quality.
  • URL, clicks on and views of Amazon affiliate links, along with general information about browsers and OS. This information is used to create aggregate, user-anonymous reports for associates to help them create more useful and relevant content and measure the success of their affiliate marketing (“oneTag reporting”).
  • A pseudonymised identifier (Cookie ID). This identifier is used by Amazon Associates systems to recognise users pseudonymously in order to maintain opt-out status.


oneTag does not associate user interactions on associates’ sites with personally identifiable information such as names, email addresses and telephone numbers. We only keep personal information collected through oneTag for as long as required to provide oneTag reporting, in accordance with our Privacy Notice and applicable laws. No personal information is collected for oneTag automatic link tagging. We do not provide any personal information to associates as part of oneTag reporting.

Q8: How can users opt out from oneTag personal information processing?

Users can visit the Amazon Associates oneTag Preferences page, a list of country specific opt-out pages is set out below:

US :
UK  :
DE :
FR :
IT :
ES :
MX :
CA :
BR :
IN :
AU :
JP :
SG :


You must disclose, on your Site, information about how a visitor to your Site can opt out of data processing by oneTag. As a reminder, this is an opt out of data processing, not deletion; consider reminding users of this fact.

Q9: What are some of my options if applicable laws and/or my Site’s privacy practices require user consent for cookies, pixels or other technologies?

If your Site directly requires user consent for, or offers an opt-out of, cookies, pixel or other technologies, you have several options to respect a user’s choice for oneTag:

  • Include the oneTag script only when you have customer consent or opt-in. You can do this as follows:

if (customerConsent) { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = "//"; document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script); }

  • Disable the oneTag script per page using a window property. oneTag script has a window property that, when set to true, Window[‘aa-disable-onetag-tracking’] = true, disables oneTag


Auto-tagging functionality will continue to work even when the window variable is set to true.

This window property must be set on each page for which you want to disable oneTag. If the property is not set, or set to false, then oneTag will work as usual.


Content Insights

Q10. What are the new insights that I get from Content Insight reports?

Content Insights reports give you access to total clicks, revenue, earnings, purchased ASINs and brands at article, Amazon link and campaign level (based on UTM tags).

Q11. I see my report is rolling data into ‘Others’ category. What does ‘Others’ category mean?

Content Insights reports are an aggregation of your store’s performance at article, Amazon link and campaign level. This roll-up is only possible when the data at each level is above a certain threshold. Any data below this threshold is rolled up into the ‘Others’ category. In addition to this, clicks from sources such as AMP websites, Mobile Apps, Social media and networks that manipulate data is rolled up into the ‘Others’ category.



Q12. What is the frequency of these reports?

The reports will be available as a daily report for the previous day and a rolling 7 day report for the previous 7 days.

Q13. What format is the report in?

The reports are available in the XML and TSV format in a secure S3 location.

Q14. How long are the reports archived?

We will maintain the latest four reports for the weekly reports, and the latest thirty reports for the daily reports. Each report will be maintained at the S3 location.