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Add or edit profile and background photos on your storefront

Uploading a profile photo and custom background photo to your storefront is a great way to show your personality and build your brand on Amazon.

To add/edit your profile photo and custom background photo:

    From Mobile:

  1. Open the Amazon mobile shopping app.
  2. Make sure you are logged into the Amazon account assocaited with your influencer account.
  3. Tap the icon at the bottom nav bar that looks like a person.
  4. Tap your profile image on the top right of the screen.
  5. Tap 'Shop my favorite products' (this will take you to your storefront).
  6. Tap 'Edit your storefront'.
  7. Tap 'Update Your Page'.
  8. Tap either of the camera icons to add/edit your photos.
  9. Take a photo or choose a photo from your Photo Library and drag the rectangle to cover the area you want for your image.
  10. You must use a JPEG or PNG file, max file size is 5MB.
  11. Tap 'Continue'.
  12. Tap 'Save'.

    From Desktop:

  1. Login to Associates Central and click the 'Influencers' tab.
  2. Scroll down to 'Update your Storefront'.
  3. Click either of the camera icons to add/edit your photos.
  4. Select the photo you'd like to use and drag the rectangle to cover the area you want for your image.
  5. You must use a JPEG or PNG file, max file size is 5MB.
  6. Your custom background photo should be at least 1275px by 284px.
  7. Click “Save”.
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